lördag 18 juli 2020

The woodpecker

The tragical story of a woodpeckers life, in five acts.

Act one.

The woodpecker is happy with his little family.
They all love each other and spend their days
in the forest, where there is a tree for everyone
to have their pecking & picking lessons going

Act two.

The woodpecker enters the adolescent life,
with much ado about competition & beauty display.
The woodpecker stares into the pond and finds his look
both beautiful, magnificent and sometimes bleak.

Act three.

The woodpecker gets an agreement from the opposite sex,
he will be allowed to reach and penetrate her sexual organs.
This done the woodpecker feels pretty alone again, not
so much the woodpeckers "wife" as she has her eggs.

Act four.

Oh, the eggs are broken up and little chickens chirp
the woodpeckers are busy finding larvaes in the bark.
the chicks are always hungry, the sexlife is all gone
but only lady Woodpeck does sorely miss the song

Act five.

The little woodpecks growing, the family goes on
to pecking all together until next summers song
their pecking and their picking is heard all season long
this pecking-picking gift is the way their life moves on.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Inte var det en tragisk historia? Den var cyklisk och trösterik, tycker jag.
    Vi hade ett par hackspettar på fågelmataren i våras. De blev så orädda att vi inte kunde jaga bort dem för att småfåglarna skulle få äta. Men vackra var de ...

  2. Det var väl just att det inte var så tragiskt som var lite roligt, tänkte jag. Ungefär. Bland annat.
