"On Wednesday, he received Trócaire’s Romero Award. Here are five key takeaways from his acceptance speech that you need to know."
1. Covid-19 is a wake-up call to how we live our lives
“We are pushing nature to its limit. We are pushing population to its limit. We’re pushing communities to their limits. We’re stressing the environment. We are creating the conditions in which epidemics flourish. We’re forcing and pushing people to migrate away from their homes because of climate stress.
We’re doing so much and we’re doing it in the name of globalisation and some sense of chasing that wonderful thing that people call economic growth. In my view, that’s becoming a malignancy, not growth, because what it’s doing is driving unsustainable practices in terms of how we manage communities, how we manage development, how we manage prosperity.
We are writing cheques that we cannot cash as a civilisation and they’re going to bounce. My fear is that our children are going to pay that price. That someday when we’re not here, our children will wake up in a world where there is a pandemic that has a much higher case fatality rate, and that could bring our civilisation to its very knees.
We need a world that is more sustainable, where profit is not put before communities. Where the slavery to economic growth is taken out of the equation. We need sustainable growth in our communities. We need sustainable livelihoods for our people. And we’re taking huge risks – massive risks – with our future if we don’t manage the planet in which we live. And we’re being extremely irresponsible right now.”
Här finns flera delar av hans tal från Irländska Trocaire. Där kan ni också läsa om vad organisationen jobbar för.
Och här kan man donera till Trocaire. Det gjorde jag med 200 nu i stället för de gamla vanliga Unicef, Rädda barnen etc. Det finns en go grej med Trocaire och det är lägre omkostnader i byråkratin. Trocaire har också ett starkt och kämpande miljöperspektiv i allt de gör.