Om utförsäljningar/bostadsköp som spekulation, om bankberoende & panama-husägare, om luringen att du blir rik av hus & lägenhet. När backlashen kommer är illusionen över, för många, i UK o Sv. Thatcherismen var begynnelsen i UK. Utförsäljningen av allmännyttan här.
"When I moved to the UK in the early 2000s, nearly everyone I met fancied themselves a real-estate investment genius. Young people all had plans to "get on the housing ladder." Each of these schemes was more crackpot than the last – the most plausible involved buying minuscule flats, "doing them up," and flipping them. The weirder ones involved buying unbuilt holiday homes in Spain or Croatia – places these people couldn't afford to visit, especially not after assuming crushing debt to buy these homes – waiting for them to "go up in value," and selling them."
"Buying into a bubble doesn't make you a genius – it makes you a gambler in a rigged casino. Now, lots of people make money in a rigged casino, and not just the casino's owners. Marks who luck out on their entry and exit can walk out with some of the loot, too. In fact, it's to the casino's advantage to have a pool of satisfied marks walking around in the world, boasting of the incredible (and fair) opportunities to be found at the casino´s tables."
"The original "airdrop" actually took place in the UK housing market, when Margaret Thatcher killed the idea that shelter was a human right by selling council flats (public housing) to their residents. A generation later, those flats were mostly in speculators' hands, the money from sales was long gone, and the children of those former council tenants had nowhere to live."
Hela artikeln av den smarte Cory Doctorov, på Pluralistic.
Och det är väl ganska detsamma i Sverige? / Annannan